Friday, February 19, 2010

Why is sexting a felony crime?


SANDWITCH!!!! said...
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jasmine said...

because u are sending a naked picture of your self!

Valentina said...

Sexting is a felony crime because you are distruberating Pornography.

Romie :) said...

because it is child pornography and that is illegal

Laura said...

Because it goes out to lots of people and can hurt you and everybody around you.

Silas said...

Sexting is a felony crime because it would be Distibuting/creating

FRED =0 said...

its a felony crime because its grody and ur sending nude pics. of ur self and other people. and because then that makes u a sex offender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jasmine :) said...

Because it could be really harmful

aly said...

it is really disgusting and illegal! yuck! don't do it.

chloe :P said...

becuz it is distrubuting pornography

Sarnah said...

because it is very inapropriate and it is against the law. it is very harmful also.

Jazlyn said...

Because its illegal and inappropriate!!

awesome said...
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Ben said...

Sexting is a felony crime because it is pornography which is considered a form of sexual harassment.

Anonymous said...
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mikah said...

it is a felony crime because you are distributing bad stuff :(

Justin said...

because you crate pornograpy witch is against the law

Anonymous said...
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