Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why is sexting a felony crime? 3/8/2012


Katie said...

Because you are putting inappropriate pictures or comments up for everyone to see.

Katharine said...

'cause it's just inappropriate! Wll what katie said.

Marshall said...

Because it is showing inappropriate parts that should not be shown publicly.

Luke said...
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sharifa said...

It is a crime because you are showing other peolpe inappropriate pictures.

seth said...
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kayla said...

It is a felony crime becuase it is eligal to take inapropriate picture of yourself.

Grace said...

you are putting images, words, or something else that is innapropriate. or if you did not get permission from that person to post it. it is hurtful to the person you are talking about.

sarah said...
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Loryn said...
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LUke said...
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Alex said...

Its showing parts that shoudn't be shown in public.

Anna said...
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johanna said...

because once you put somthing on the internet you cant take it back and its not aproprite for anyone to be seeing it is called pornogrphy wich is igleal

owen said...

It is a crime because it is inappropriate text messages or on the internet that should not be allowed. if I knew anybody that did that, I would report it.

Lopryn said...
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aaron said...

Sexting is a INAPROPIATE picture

kayleen said...

becuase it is just wrong! people shouldnt do it!

maddy said...

because its very inappropriate its gross y would someone do such a thing its so not right

sarah said...

sexing is an inapropriate, rude, and mean thig to do.

Anna said...

Because its inappropriate and gross and i mean seriously nobody wants to get "sexts" or pornography

paul said...

Becase you are macking inapporite pichers that no one wantes to see

Katie said...

Also you can never take it back after you post it up.

Sammy said...

Because it is

Hayden miller said...

You wouldn't go to school naked (please no) would you?

B.o.B said...

Cause it's nassstyyy!!!!!

CV said...

You are showing people things that r inappropriate and illegal.

Pjab said...

Because ur hurting yourself/your friends

CM said...

Its very inappropriate and nasssssty

Jqt said...

Because you are putting inappropriate images up for everyone to see.

Scott said...

Because it is showing body parts that are inappropriate.And for evry one to see.

Hayden miller said...

You are doing the same thing as walking to the store naked

Robert said...

This is a violation to the public

Danny said...

It is a crime because you are publicly giving out inappropriate pictures that shouldnt be seen or even taken !

Maddy said...

Sexing is so inapporopriate never do it u will get in to alot of trouble plus it's not right it's gross don't do it!

Hayden miller said...

And just to clarify, if you did this I would go faster than teleporting to the principals office

Matt said...

You are distributing inappropriate pictures to the public and public nudity is against the law also

Maddy said...

Sexing is so inapporopriate never do it u will get in to alot of trouble plus it's not right it's gross don't do it!

Claire!!!!!!!! said...

Sexting is a crime because if you post a picture of yourself that is inappropriate, some people may not want to see it! Also People shouldn't be able to see you whenever, you don't know if they will show it to someone in your future. It can also be hurtful to the other person if it was of them or about them. So just stop Sexting it is a felony crime!!!!!!!

Sammy said...

That's nasty so don't do it if you need to go to jail then fine go to jail

Rig said...

Public nudity is gross so dont do it.

Hayden miller said...

Doing so will hurt your future job etc.

N.S. said...

Sexting is a felony crime because you are posting inapropriate pictures or comments of yourself or somebody else and that is hurtful to the other person and it is illegal! Also most people dont want to see something like that

Robert said...

What you are doing is gross why do something that's gross.

Hayden miller said...

By the way it is not funny. It is sick twisted evil humiliating gross and should not even be done. If you have done this before I feel really bad for you and you have a evil twisted mind.

Hailey said...

OMG sexting is sooooooooooo gross and yet people that you don't know maybey even predators could be looking at you and that is really creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!:( don't do sexting people not only could it affect and scar anyone who sees it it could affect your future dont do sexting!!!!!

Jeremygzmv said...

because once you put somthing on the internet you cant take it back and its not aproprite for anyone to be seeing it is called pornogrphy wich is igleal

Holly said...

How eminem got his name: his real name is marshal Mathews, m plus m, get it, like the candy sorta like the phone you had back in the day, the chocolate cell phone, like jail cell, and jail cell is like the inicial Jo, Jo backwards is oj not like the orange juice but like oj simsion who REALY liked corn, the names of corn is corn, corn on the cob, cob web, cobs dictionary, wind that back to corn, unicorn, and unicorns are mistical and magical and he took the two ms. And that's how eminent got his name simple as that.

Court said...

Beacus wen you do it you go to juve